Initial config to bypass web config wizard
wireless management interface vlan <number>
wireless country DK
Set a initial username/password
username <username> privi 15 secret <password>
enable secret <password
aaa new model
ip http authentication local
For Virtual WLC
wireless config vwlc-ssc key-size 2048 signature-algo sha256 password 0 <some-random-password>
New Self Signed certificate for webinterface
crypto key generate rsa general-keys label WEBADMIN exportable modulus 2048 crypto pki trustpoint WEBADMIN enrollment selfsigned subject-name cn=<WLC hostname+domain> rsakeypair WEBADMIN exit crypto pki enroll WEBADMIN Include router serial: yes Include an IP address in the subject name?: yes <WLC IP> yes ip http secure-trustpoint WEBADMIN